Zubov Sergey

Smolensk | Russia


Born in Russia on March 9, 1983 in Velizh, Smolensk region. Currently I live in the city of Smolensk. I'm an artist by profession. At the age of 18, I decided to exchange my brushes and canvas for film and a camera. The only obstacle on my way to succes is me… the daily struggle with myself. Therefore I turn off all phones, all social networks, turn on music, and get to work. Even when I don't want to. I am inspired by: Music of Bach, Brahms, Mozart; Films directed by Andrey Tarkovsky and Alexey German; Paintings of Raphael, Andrew Wyeth, Kazimir Malevich, Claude Monet. Every artist here is a doctor of the human soul. With their works, they talk about the immortality of the soul and what love is. Without such artists, this world would be bland and faceless. Life is about the search for Love and great Beauty. This is what every true artist should convey in their work, whether it is a painting, a photograph, or a melody. Generally, photography for me is attention to the forms and phenomena of the surrounding world, searching for a reflection of my own soul in them. I try to overcome the fashionable cult of external "beauty" and template posing. So I am looking for a human freshness that would allow me to show the main thing for me in portrait photography - the energy of life. For example, a photo can be organized as a painting. Therefore, when working on each specific portrait, I strive not only to show the nature of nature, but also to organize a full-fledged picture plane, in which each part, each detail of the image space would play an important role in the development of the plot, revealing the essence of the depicted and captivating the viewer. In this approach, I see a way to create a full-fledged, original and truthful image, hoping that the viewer will look at my work, think about it and say that there are beautiful and tender photos.