Danijela Macura

Rijeka | Croatia


Danijela Macura is a self-portrait and nature photographer. She received formal education in the field of language and literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Her profound passion for literature, particularly poetry, which she has been writing for an extended period, has significantly influenced her photography. Following her formal education, she pursued photography at a private school under the guidance of the renowned photography professor. Photography soon became her primary mode of artistic expression. After delving into various photography genres and subjects, she made a pivotal decision to turn her lens inward after undergoing major surgery due to a chronic illness. This personal journey served as a means of healing, acceptance, and a way to confront both external and internal scars. Since that transformative experience, Danijela has utilized self-portraits as her primary medium for exploring themes of femininity, vulnerability, acceptance, the beauty of imperfections of the human body, and our profound connection with our inner selves and nature. She frequently incorporates obsession with the interplay of light and shadows, symbols of flowers and motifs from the natural world to provoke deep introspection and sense of fragility of life itself. In recognition of her work, Danijela has earned several awards and honorable mentions and was exhibited in Rijeka, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Chicago, Las Vegas and soon will be exhibited on Times Square, NY. Since 2022, she has also ventured into the world of NFTs, where she has had the pleasure of connecting with numerous great artists and passionate art enthusiasts.